Welcome to the Homepage of the Welcome to Music Podcast & Blog with Susie Davies-Splitter!
Oct. 31, 2023

Ep. 2 - Songs of Love, Peace and Healing for a Hopeful World

Ep. 2 - Songs of Love, Peace and Healing for a Hopeful World

Hello everyone and it’s so nice to have you here at the Welcome to Music Podcast, Episode 2. We had a few teething problems with the podcast initially and had to wait a few weeks to get accepted on the Spotify and Apple Music platforms. I truly had no idea how much there was to do to get one of these off the ground – and I want to say a huge thank you to Katrina Proctor (our Chief Admin Officer) and Jenn Thiessen who both hail from Colorada in the USA for all of their help with this. It’s also been a bit of a challenging time for me as I recently had a bronchial flu with an incessant cough that lasted about 4 weeks. I’m just now getting my voice back.

Because of everything that’s currently happening in the world around us in October, 2023 with wars between Russia and the Ukraine, Israel and Gaza and conflict in other parts of the world – I wanted to take the opportunity to share 7 songs about love, peace and healing broken into 2 parts. Recent weeks and months have been so devastating and many of us have felt completely helpless. I hope that these songs can bring some small comfort to you and your children during these difficult times.

All the songs can be accessed through a multi-modal and multi-sensory approach to make the learning stick and give children of all ages an inclusive, successful and heart-felt experience.

They include techniques such as echo, ostinato parts (repeated patterns), call and response, rounds and verses sung against choruses to help create instant harmony.

There are easy parts to remember to help scaffold the learning from simple to complex.

Some songs include improvisation which give kids the opportunity for self-expression, exploration and discovery in a safe space.

These songs also include various media such as singing, body percussion, movement and dance and instruments such as Boomwhackers, xylophones, glockenspiels, recorders and ukuleles. Children are highly motivated and engaged through these different activities which provide more interest, successful and enriching experiences.

Most importantly, I hope that these songs can give you and your kiddos an opportunity to discuss and express what’s happening in the world in a way that can provide some beauty, tranquility and peace in their lives.

For Full Blog on this Episode Click HERE.